A Day in Little Lanterns
8.30am – 9.00am – Early Bird Session. Children are invited to have a light breakfast of toast, fruit or yoghurt. Children are free to play.
9.00am – Circle time, staff and children come together in their designated room (depending on age and development) to sing welcome songs, share news and talk about what they want to do that day, planned activities by group leader based on next steps and areas of learning.
Children are then free to explore the indoor environment.
10:00am – Snack Time. Children serve their own drinks of milk or water and enjoy a piece of fruit.
Children are free to play in or outdoors, with any of the activities on offer. For example, craft, playdough, water/sand play, ride-on toys, home corner, book corner, large climbing equipment, messy play trays. We plan specific activities / areas linked to a topic or children’s interests. For example, setting up a Vet Practice, creating a pirate hide out.
11:15am – It is tidy up time. Children are encouraged to help with this aspect of the day. Circle time in designated rooms where children take part in a phonics or Listening and Attention activity before washing their hands for lunch.
11:30am – Children eat their lunch in the school hall. Children must bring their own packed lunch. After lunch children are free to play in the outdoor space.
12.30pm – Circle time, staff and children come together in their colour designated room (depending on age and development) to sing songs and take part in relaxation exercises such a yoga or mindfulness activities. Then there will be an adult directed Mark Making task to develop fine motor skills and prewriting skills.
1.00pm – Children are free to play in or outdoors, with any of the activities on offer.
2.45pm – Tidy up time. Children are encouraged to help with this aspect of the day.
2:50pm – Children collect all their belongings and organise themselves for the end of the day. They listen to a story and sing songs.
3.00pm – Children are collected by their parents.
Although our daily routine is the same we offer a very wide variety of activities that change each day. The activities on offer are based around the interests of the children attending that particular session. We also link activities to calendar events including, ie. Mothers'/Fathers' Day, Christmas, Divali, Harvest, Chinese New Year, Pancake Day amongst others. We invite the police, fire brigade, animals, parents in and do Adventure School all year round. We also go out on Welly Walks around the village and to Blackpool Sands.